It might mean something that both the celebration of LOVE and Black History coincide in the shortest month of the year. A better writer and a deeper thinker can correlate the spiritual meaning behind why that happened. My response is to continue my theme set forth in my Cupid’s Hunt 2017 and close February with a series of DUET themed podcasts celebrating R&B’s heritage of soul togetherness as shared between two incredible singers. Often celebratory, sometimes mournful, at other times questioning, these are just poems set to rhythms drawing us back to each other.

There are 1000 cliches about love, a million if you try to look them up on Google. Probably 99% are true in some fashion. Still, the most important one is this: We all need LOVE. Black folk especially need LOVE to soothe, deliver, protect and redeem us from the bruising and brutal battles we fight everyday to live, survive and thrive with respect and dignity. So February is an incredible month for us- the convergence of the strongest, most powerful emotion known to humans, colliding with the opportunity to recognize and celebrate our accomplishments, accomplishments that are achieved in spite of just as much as because of. I hope these series puts (in the words of the great band Con-Funk-Shun) put LOVE on your mind. Love among family, friends, lovers and the entire beloved community. It hope hearing these singers try to work out what love is- or ain’t- reminds you how hard you gotta work to let love in- or let love go. I hope it makes you question and gives you answers. Togetherness is the goal.

Peace & Blessings